Welcome to the Gallery of HEALTHY Smiles!
Below is a sampling of patients that have come to Dr. Kaye for a HEALTHY SMILE. The before and after photographs show the natural- looking appearance of a healthy smile. The functionality for these patients has increased dramatically, creating confidence.

Do you suffer from advanced tooth decay, loose or failing bridgework, or ill-fitting or painful dentures?

Dental implants are the most conservative treatment for replacing missing or unsaveable teeth. Implant supported teeth appear natural, and life-like. Say goodbye to sore spots and Polygrip. Dental implants not only can improve your SMILE, but they can also restore your ability to eat fresh, healthy food. Old-style caps and bridgework require the cutting down and damaging of healthy, natural teeth that will never grow back. Implant-supported teeth function like your own and never get cavities. Your confidence can be restored without the discomfort associated with traditional dentures, partials or bridges.

This patient lost two front teeth and did not want to have her healthy adjacent teeth cut down for older style crown and bridgework. Two dental implants were placed and these implants support her beautiful new teeth with absolutely no damage to the adjacent teeth.

This patient had lost all of her lower teeth and was unhappy with her traditional denture. Four dental implants were placed and an implant retained full lower denture was anchored securely to the lower jaw. This patient now enjoys eating fresh, healthy food with confidence and no more denture adhesive!

Many unsightly and unhealthy gum conditions can be corrected with periodontal cosmetic procedures. These conditions include gum recession and overgrown gums, or “gummy smile”.

Many people who have short appearing teeth, in reality have beautiful teeth hiding underneath excess gum tissue. This condition is easily corrected, allowing patients to show the full beauty of their natural teeth. These teeth still appeared short after braces. Cosmetic tissue reshaping changed the whole smile.

Dr. Kaye is the only periodontist in our office. All dental implants and surgical periodontal procedures are done and followed up by him, to give you the consistent, quality care you expect.